

Claire Dalton

Claire is 26 years old, a survivor of chronic Lyme Disease, certified health coach, entrepreneur, and seeker of truth.  Claire is a sales representative, manager of her small family farm, and founder of the non-profit organization, The Chronically Care Project. You can find her in her free-time with her nose in a book looking for answers to life's most difficult questions, or in her field frolicking with her goats!   Claire advocates for the chronically ill, outcasts, misfits, and nobodies.  Her desire is to minister to "the least of these" (Luke 25:40), lift up the hands that hang down (Hebrews 12:12), and be a light to those struggling with the adversity and darkness in their lives (Matt 5:14-16).  She's walked roads less taken and desires her every footstep to be in the light of Jesus.  "Don't let anyone dull your sparkle." is her motto, and she finds joy in helping others sparkle too.